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Articles and Education

3, 2, 1, 0 Meet Countdown | Simple Competition Prep

3, 2, 1, 0 Meet Countdown | Simple Competition Prep

In preparing for a powerlifting meet, I have seen lots of overthinking, overworking, and over-stressing when it comes to people figuring out how to setup their training cycle to perform the best on competition day. Even athletes that aren’t powerlifters, or aren’t competitors on stage can benefit from this system, designed to maximize each training day. This system is not only simple to understand, it’s also easy to implement, and works like a charm every time. I call it the 3, 2, 1, 0 Meet Countdown.

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Using Potentiation To Break Training Plateaus

Using Potentiation To Break Training Plateaus

If you train hard enough (or not hard enough I suppose) for long enough you will eventually run into a period where progress stalls and improvements to your lifts become much more difficult to realize. Sometimes plateaus last for a few training blocks but, its very easy to let a few blocks slip by and before you know it you are running up on a year or more of minimal progress.

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