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Articles and Education

Rudy Kadlub’s Hemicap Surgery Recap

Rudy Kadlub’s Hemicap Surgery Recap

Surgery was exactly four weeks ago and after spending the first three weeks in a right-arm (sling which severely hampers the ability to type) I have been released to begin rehab work. In addition to the resurfacing procedure of the joint, the surgeon repaired my bicep tendon which had become frayed by the interaction with the raw bone. The first few sessions consisted of the therapist performing passive circumduction. We quickly moved to pendulum swings and then pulley work to extend range of motion frontal and then abduction. Because of the nature of the surgery and the need to cut through the infraspinatus to get to the joint, I will be restricted to just 20 degrees of external rotation for another three weeks. However, I can already tell that the severe pain from the osteoarthritis in the shoulder is gone and that this was absolutely the right decision. It will allow me to get back to full competition after rehab.

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Get Ahead to Stay Ahead: Shoulder Pain Prevention

Get Ahead to Stay Ahead: Shoulder Pain Prevention

One of the best predictors of long-term training progress is how well an athlete can manage pain. The goal isn’t just reduction of current pain levels, the goal is also to avoid pain and joint damage in the first place. q

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