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Articles and Education

The Duffalo Bar Can Be An Offensive Lineman’s Best Friend

The Duffalo Bar Can Be An Offensive Lineman’s Best Friend

Rudy Kadlub (the writer) is Co-Owner and CEO of Kabuki Power and is an active competitive powerlifter. Since beginning his powerlifting career twelve years ago at age 55 he has set 25 American and 24 World records.

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Bulletproof Shoulders 101: Top Shoulder Exercises For Powerlifters And Bodybuilders

Bulletproof Shoulders 101: Top Shoulder Exercises For Powerlifters And Bodybuilders

It is a piece to help you develop strong, healthy, and powerful shoulders that can deliver tremendous power while reducing risk of injury in such a complex joint. This top 5 is for developing functional strength movements for the shoulders. Yes, I said the dreaded word ‘functional’. But I’m not talking namby-pamby soda can exercises, I’m talking real movements that develop strength while helping improve the operating mechanics of the shoulders. If you’re not familiar with my background or approach I am certainly a coach and athlete interested in real-world results and believe that stronger is better, so you won’t find remedial PT exercises promoted by me. While I am best known as coach and movement specialist these days, I’ve been (or am, depending on your outlook) one of the best pure strength athletes in the world. This top 5 list contains exercises that I employ in the fields I consult in and will help you achieve what they do:

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Get Ahead to Stay Ahead: Shoulder Pain Prevention

Get Ahead to Stay Ahead: Shoulder Pain Prevention

One of the best predictors of long-term training progress is how well an athlete can manage pain. The goal isn’t just reduction of current pain levels, the goal is also to avoid pain and joint damage in the first place. q

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