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Articles and Education

Does Fish Oil Supplementation Impact Recovery?

Does Fish Oil Supplementation Impact Recovery?

Fish oil supplementation has gained a lot of attention for their health benefits. Specifically supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids have demonstrated positive effects on blood pressure, triglycerides, and heart rate (1). Additionally, they’ve been shown to improve arterial dilation, possess antiarrhythmic and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Why Chuck Taylors Are The Worst Shoe For Strength Athletes

Why Chuck Taylors Are The Worst Shoe For Strength Athletes

More people than not choose footwear for function over form. However, if you are someone who often chooses the latter of the two options who have probably made decisions based on what the footwear does for you, not necessarily what it is doing to you.

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Why “Chest Up” In The Squat Is Wrong

Why “Chest Up” In The Squat Is Wrong

The importance of integrating the thoracic spine into your core stabilization is often overlooked or coached incorrectly. I am going to cover multiple aspects of T-Spine position in the squat, with multiple videos. If you have T-Spine extension while squatting, you have the opportunity to put 10-15 percent on top of 

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Sleep Extension Techniques To Enhance Muscle And Strength

Sleep Extension Techniques To Enhance Muscle And Strength

Most of the literature on sleep is regarding restriction and its impact on health and performance. However, there is a growing body of research on sleep extension and the potential implications it may have on athletic performance in particular.

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Is Hand And Elbow Position Sabotaging Your Squat?

Is Hand And Elbow Position Sabotaging Your Squat?

The next step in correcting upper body position in the squat is to take the proper core stabilization we learned and integrate this stabilization all the way up to your shoulders supporting the bar. This will involve where you place your hands and what you do with them. We have already reviewed the importance of mainta

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A Guide To Cutting Weight For Strength Sports

A Guide To Cutting Weight For Strength Sports

Both powerlifting and strongman often offer 18-24hr weigh-ins prior to the start of the meet. This creates an opportunity for you to plan and manage your weight class with different objectives that cannot be realized when faced with a 2 hour weigh-in. 

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Whiskey & Deadlifts

Whiskey & Deadlifts

Are you looking for an excuse to get drunk or abuse alcohol? If yes then go away! This is most definitely not an article for you.  Without a doubt the negative long term and short term effects of alcohol are very well documented. Particularly as an athlete, excess and even moderate alcohol use can have a detrimental effect on your powerlifting and strongman performance. From negative hormonal factors such as lowering testosterone, lowering HGH, lowering ADP generation, and increasing cortisol to dietary impacts of reducing protein syntheses, containing 7cal/g of energy, and interfering with absorption of other nutrients – all of these factors make it clear that alcohol is something to avoid as a strength athlete (or consume in very minimal quantities).  The short term depressant effect, slowing both cognitive ability as well as coordination, and reducing decision making abilities makes it hard to understand how there would be any value in alcohol at all – particularly when it comes to strength sports.

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Wide Stance Groin Health

Wide Stance Groin Health

In December of 2012 I tore my right adductor in a meet.  I had actually had some minor tearing early in the year and had been managing it to keep training but with a 782 competition squat it let go on me.  https://youtu.be/YoEJMEFJAYI

After rehabbing the area I determined a need to reduce my injury risk.  With squatting wide and pulling sumo it simply puts a lot of strain on this area that is sometimes slow to recover.  It is also a fairly common injury point with lifters.

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The Role Of A Team In Individual Sports

The Role Of A Team In Individual Sports

People often under value the role of a team in individual sports.  That statement is not an oxymoron as team and individual performance are not diametrically opposed.  While it is true that lifting can, and is, done by some individuals entirely by themselves there are substantially more strength athletes who gain from relying on their team.

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