Articles et éducation
- Tous
- 1 rep max
- 1000Lb
- active mobility
- acumobility
- adductors
- adherence
- advanced
- age
- alignment
- amraps
- athlete
- athlete prep
- autoregulation
- back injury
- back pain
- back pain rehab
- balance
- banned substances
- barbell lifts
- Bench Press
- bench press set up
- bench press technique
- bench specialist
- better sleep
- blood flow restriction
- body transformation
- boom stick
- bracing
- bracing mechanics
- breathing
- Breathing and Bracing
- challenge
- chris duffin
- chuck taylors
- coaching
- coaching cues
- cold therapy
- community
- competitino
- competition
- conditioning
- confidence
- conjugate
- consistency
- contralateral
- conventional deadlift
- corrective exercise
- cutting weight
- deadlift
- deadlift form
- deadlift hip height
- deadlift lockout
- deadlift technique
- deadlift tips
- deadlifts
- dedication
- diet
- dieting
- disc
- disc herniation
- discipline
- drills
- drug testing
- duffalo bar
- education
- effort
- elbow position
- elite athlete
- elite powerlifter
- energy balance
- exercise
- exercise ROM
- exercise selection
- experience
- fat loss
- fatigue management
- feet
- fish oil
- fitness
- flexibility
- flossing
- flow state
- foam rolling
- focus
- foot health
- Foot Rooting
- fundamentals
- goal setting
- goals
- gpp
- grand goals
- grip strength
- grip width
- groin injury
- gym
- habits
- hamstring recovery
- hamstring rehab
- hamstring strain
- hamstring tear
- head position
- health
- healthy
- Hemorrhoids
- herneation
- hip mobility
- hook grip
- hypertrophy
- in season
- individualization
- injury
- injury free
- injury preventino
- injury prevention
- injury rehab
- intensity
- ipsilateral
- joint distraction
- joints
- keys for success
- leverages
- life after 50
- lifting in old age
- lifting shoes
- load selection
- loading
- longevity
- low back
- low back pain
- low back rehab
- lumbar injury
- macronutrients
- massage
- masters lifter
- masters lifters
- mastery
- max effort
- meet prep
- mens mental health
- mental health
- mental health awareness
- mental health resources
- mentor
- mentorship
- metabolic adaptation
- metabolic damage
- metabolism
- mindset
- mobility
- mobility hips
- mobility prehab
- motivation
- movement pattern
- muscle growth
- muscle strain
- neck
- needs analysis
- nsaid
- nutrient timing
- nutrition
- oblique sling
- old age
- optimize
- overcoming fear
- pain
- passive compression
- peaking
- performance
- personal development
- personal growth
- physical preparedness
- posture
- potentiation
- power
- powerlifter
- powerlifting
- powerlifting competition
- powerlifting cues
- powerlifting meet
- pr
- practice
- pre-workout
- prehab
- prep
- prep work
- prevention
- principles of loaded movement
- pro athlete
- process oriented
- program design
- programming
- progress
- range of motion
- recovery
- recovery guide
- recvery
- reduce swelling
- reese hoffa
- rehab
- rehabilitation
- research
- resiliance
- resilience
- ribs over pelvis
- rir
- rooting
- Rooting Drills
- rpe
- rudy kadlub
- Ryan Kennelly
- self belief
- self mastery
- Shoulder
- shoulder health
- shoulder injury
- shoulder surgery
- shoulder surgety
- shoulder warmup
- shoulderok
- shoulderrok
- shoulders
- shuolder mobility
- skill development
- sleep
- sleep extension
- specialty bars
- specificity
- spinal mechanics
- spine
- squat
- squat better
- squat cues
- squat mobility
- squat strength
- squat tips
- squat warmup
- stability
- strength
- Strengthen foot
- strengthening
- strenth
- stress
- strongman
- succeed
- success
- sumo deadlift
- sumo deadlift technique
- supplements
- support system
- surgery
- tainted supplements
- team
- team training
- technique
- the core
- thrower
- throwing
- tissue health
- touch and go
- training
- training intensity
- training partners
- training performance
- training tips
- trainingprogram design
- transformer bar
- Tripod Stance
- unrack
- unracking a squat
- usapl
- values
- velocity
- velocity based training
- warm up
- warmup
- weight class
- weight cut
- weight loss
- weight regain
- weightlifting
- westside barbell
- Whiskey & Deadlifts
- wide stance squat
- workout
- workout tips
Une semaine d'entraînement en saison avec le champion du monde du lanceur de poids Reese Hoffa
Dans mon article précédent, j’ai décrit quelques erreurs que les lanceurs commettent lors de leur entraînement. Vous pouvez consulter cet article en cliquant ici . J'apprécie vraiment les retours que j'ai reçus du Kabuki communauté du pouvoir, et l’une des questions les plus courantes était de savoir comment ces considérations entraient réellement en compte dans la conception du programme. J'ai pensé que la manière la plus productive de répondre à cette question était simplement d'ouvrir mon ancien journal d'entraînement et de montrer un exemple de semaine d'entraînement de ma dernière saison en tant que pro. Ceci est mon programme d’entraînement actuel en saison, en supposant une rencontre samedi.